Wooden decking made of exotic woods

Exotic woods

Exotic hardwoods can withstand the highest loads due to their high density.

Wood contains substances that make it more durable. Depending on the type of wood, this may include tannic acid (some hardwoods) or other substances. The knots, warping and grain pattern also guarantee the authenticity of the wood. The number and size of the knots may vary from species to species.


Bangkirai, Bukit, Merbau and Teak are from Southeast Asia, Massaranduba, Garapa and Ipe are from South America and these woods have a great variety of colours. Starting with light brownish-yellow shades to dark red-brown colours. The texture is fine and even with a deeply interwoven core. Our REAL DECK wooden decking is supplied without a finish and therefore it must be taken into account that the decking can look very lively once installed. 

These hardwoods can occasionally develop various visible stains (water stains, rust, dirt, dust...). This cannot be completely avoided when transporting through 3 climate zones. In connection with transport, light mould may also form on the surface, which is caused by transporting goods in closed containers through several climate zones. This mould is purely superficial and does not penetrate the wood. It can be easily removed by brushing.

All of our exotic woods are hardwoods or medium hardwoods, where individual pieces of wood can vary in density and therefore weight. It depends on which particular logging area the wood comes from.

Bangkirai has a density of 850-1155 kg/m3, Massaranduba has a density of 1100-1200 kg/m3, Teak has a density of 610-690 kg/m3, Bukit has a density of 505-870 kg/m3, Merbau has a density of 850-1000 kg/m3, Garapa has a density of approx. 900 kg/m3 and Ipe has a density of approx. 1200 kg/m3